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Entrepreneurship Outreach Foundation

In partnership with Hobart's Run and the Hill School, we hosted a Young Entrepreneurs Conference in Pottstown PA. We had a multitude of high schoolers from the greater Montgomery County area join us for a speaker panel and workshops. During the speaker panel, Portabl CEO, Nate Soffio shared his experiences in entrepreneurship and was able to answer many questions from the audience. Following the speaker portion, the group transitioned into various workshops centered around entrepreneurship and business. One popular workshop was one centered around inspiration in entrepreneurship. We focused on Simon Sinek's coined idea of finding your "Why". This led to ultimately a group discussion about individual "Whys" and how companies need to be aligned with the values of the founder in order to be successful. At the end of the event, attendees gathered for a free lunch provided by Sodexo and were able to connect and network with the speakers and leaders who were present.

Young Entrepreneurs Conference
Pottstown, PA

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